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Business Development 
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Market Research
Website Translation

We help you to make your business in Japan successful

It would be your significant benefit to have a single point of contact, rather than many, to enter the Japanese market in order to make your effort successfull.

Our consultant with more than 20 years of Japan country manager experience with proven track record will guide you exactly what to do.

Contact us to request a free initial consultation to discuss your specific needs.

Maket research reports tailored to your specific needs will also be available to meet your requests.


Your fist step to access Japanese market is to localize your website in Japanese. This would help you significantly to get attention from your targeted Japanese visitors.

Key point in this localization effort is to could convey exact context to your Japanese visitors.

Straight translation, direct translation or even machine translation never work because it just does not convey your exact context in the way you want.

Your key messages and valuable information on your website need to be translated to practical Japanese language to achieve your goal.

You need someone who understand your business, what you say on your website and who could use practical Japanese natively and professionally. 


That's what WATSON is.

Contact us and let us know how we could help you!

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